A file is a block of information stored on a magnetic media, such as on a hard disk, a tape, or a flash drive; examples of files are computer programs, documents, music, and movies. The practice of sharing files illegally exploded when a format for audio compression produced a type of file known as an MP3 file.

Judge: File sharing legal in Canada - CNET Mar 31, 2004 File Sharing and The Law - Information Technology A wide variety of music, movies, TV shows, games and other software is available for download through popular peer-to-peer (P2P) file sharing networks and protocols. However, … The State of File Sharing and Canadian Copyright Law Michael Geist June 2005 Appeared in the Toronto Star, June 6, 2005 THE STATE OF FILE SHARING AND CANADIAN COPYRIGHT LAW The recent Federal Court of Appeal music file sharing case, in which the court rejected the Canadian Recording Industry Association’s attempt to uncover the identities of 29 alleged file sharers, raises important privacy and copyright issues.

File Sharing | Samuelson-Glushko Canadian Internet Policy

Online gambling: Is it even legal? | CBC News

Canadian law puts gambling firmly under provincial jurisdiction, so why are thousands of offshore gaming sites still just a click away? file sharing, or Uber, the laws of the land are still

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