May 25, 2020 · Clear/Flush DNS Cache on macOS # The command to flush cache in macOS is slightly different depending on the version you’re running. The command must be executed as a user with system administrator privileges (sudo user). To clear the DNS cache in macOS, perform the following steps: Open the Finder. Go to Applications > Utilities > Terminal.

Oct 09, 2017 · How to clear the APT cache by Milosz Galazka on October 9, 2017 and tagged with Package management , Command-line , Debian , Stretch Clear the APT cache to reclaim disk space used by the downloaded packages. How to clear the yum cache: When a package is downloaded, installed and is removed there is a chance that the package may still be saved/stored in the yum’s cache. So to clean all the cached packages from the enabled repository cache directory, login as root and execute the following: yum clean packages Invalidates all cached entries with the exception of sudo rules. -d name--domain name: Invalidates cache entries for users, groups, and other entries only within the specified domain. -G --groups : Invalidates all group records. If -g is also used, -G takes precedence and -g is ignored. -g name--group name: Invalidates the cache entry for the Jun 28, 2016 · Now you may call the script whenever you required to clear ram cache. Now set a cron to clear RAM cache everyday at 2am. Open crontab for editing. # crontab -e Append the below line, save and exit to run it at 2am daily. 0 2 * * * /path/to/

Sep 12, 2018 · Hello All, I created some simple tools for restarting openhab and clearing the cache. There is: ohstop --> stops openhab ohstart --> restarts / starts openhab ohtail --> restarts openhab and tails openhab.log ohtailcc --> restarts openhab, clears cache, and tails openhab.log ohrebootcc --> stops openhab, clears cache, and reboots system. These have only been tested on openhabian, but should

Clean the Apt cache¶ APT (Advanced Package Tool) cache is the place where all the downloaded, installed, and uninstalled files of your system are kept. Ubuntu keeps them in your /var/cache/apt/archives directory. Check the size of the APT cache on your system: sudo du -sh /var/cache/apt¶ Clear this cache entirely with this command: sudo apt sudo webinoly -config-cache=[10d,1w,5m] The first argument is the response for 200 codes, the second the downtime and the third for redirects. Clear/Purge Cache. Options: fastcgi; redis; memcached; opcache; all # Example: sudo webinoly -clear-cache=fastcgi sudo webinoly -clear-cache=all Exclude URL from Cache. Exclude an URL from being cached

To invalidate the hosts cache (to flush the DNS hosts cache) when using nscd, use: sudo nscd --invalidate=hosts To check if the DNS cache was flushed, run: sudo nscd -g And look under the hosts section (if you have multiple enabled), and you should see 0 as the value for used data pool size if the DNS cache was just flushed. It will slowly

The -E flag can be used to invalidate all cached entries, with the exception of sudo rules. sss_cache -E Alternatively we can also simply invalidate a specific user only from the cache with the -u flag, followed by the account username. sss_cache -u user1 For further information, see the sss_cache manual page. Deleting Cache Files Mar 13, 2020 · Flush BIND DNS Cache. If you’re using BIND, you can clear DNS cache by using one of the following commands: sudo /etc/init.d/named restart; sudo rndc restart; sudo rndc exec; BIND version 9.3.0, and greater, support flushing DNS cache for a particular domain, as well as for the LAN, or the WAN. You can use the following commands to make use